Burnout Self-Assessment Test: Are You at Risk?

Wondering if your workplace is increasing your stress levels? Our Burnout Assessment Test helps you identify if you’re at risk of workplace burnout, ensuring you stay on top of your well-being. Try to find out. …

Burnout Self Assessment Test

Wondering if your workplace is increasing your stress levels? Our Burnout Assessment Test helps you identify if you’re at risk of workplace burnout, ensuring you stay on top of your well-being. Try to find out.

The present expeditious work culture and pervasive nature of technology have brought your office into your home, pocket, and vacation space, leading to an overwhelming effect on individuals who struggle to differentiate between work and personal life. This situation results in burnout, which is not just a temporary feeling of tiredness or stress but a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. Burnout can significantly impact work performance, personal life, and overall well-being. It is not limited to one class or industry of workers; it has become a common issue affecting professionals across all industries.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It’s characterized by three dimensions:

1. Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion

2. Increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job

3. Reduced professional efficacy

The Importance of Burnout Self-Assessment Test

Recognizing the signs of burnout early can be crucial in preventing its escalation and maintaining your professional and personal health. However, the onset of burnout can be gradual, making it challenging to identify in yourself.

This is where our Burnout Self-Assessment Test comes in. This tool is designed to help you evaluate your current state and determine if you might be at risk of burnout. By answering a series of questions about your work experiences, feelings, and behaviors, you can gain insights into your mental and emotional state regarding your job.

How Can This Burnout Test Help

This self-assessment test serves several purposes:

1. Awareness: It will help you understand and be more conscious of your feelings and behaviors associated with your work.

2. Early Detection: By taking this quiz every now and then, you can identify potential burnout symptoms before they start affecting your professional and personal well-being.

3. Action Planning: Based on your results, you can take proactive steps to address, if there are any areas of concern.

4. Self-Reflection: The test encourages you to think critically about your work-life balance and job satisfaction.


Below are 15 statements to assess your burnout risk. Rate how often you experience each feeling using the scale:

1 – Rarely or never

2 – Occasionally

3 – Sometimes

4 – Often

5 – Almost always

1. I get tired very easily and feel as if all my physical or emotional energy is drained out.

2. I am prone to negative thinking about whatever happens in my life and feel that I have no one to talk to.

3. I feel that I am achieving a lot less than my capacity.

4. I get easily irritated by small problems, or by my co-workers and team.

5. I feel misunderstood by my family, friends, and co-workers.

6. I feel that I do not have time to plan as much as I would like to.

7. I feel that I work so hard without getting the desired results.

8. I feel, I have become more sarcastic and disappointed in the world around me than I used to.

9. I do not feel happy about anything happening in my life, even if I try.

10. I feel sad a lot and I am unable to understand why.

11. I have become more forgetful, for example, making important calls, missing doctor visits, losing things etc.

12. I feel that I am in the wrong organization or the wrong profession.

13. I have become very irritable and more short-tempered.

14. I expect more and more from the people around me.

15. I feel that I do not have time to do many of the things that are important to do good quality work.

Interpreting Your Results

After completing the assessment, total your score and review the corresponding interpretation:

15-18: No sign of burnout. You are managing your work-life balance well. Continue to monitor your stress levels and maintain your current strategies.

19-32: Little sign of burnout While you’re generally coping well, pay attention to any specific areas where you scored high. These might be early warning signs of stress unless some factors are particularly severe.

33-49: Be careful – you may be at risk of burnout. You are experiencing some significant symptoms of burnout, particularly if several scores are high. It’s time to take action to reduce your stress levels.

50-59: You are at severe risk of burnout. Your score indicates a high level of burnout. It’s crucial to take immediate steps to address your stress and improve your work-life balance. Do something about this urgently.

60-75: You are at very severe risk of burnout. Your score suggests you are experiencing severe burnout symptoms. It’s essential to take urgent action and consider seeking professional help. Do not waste any time and something about this urgently.

Steps to Take Based on Your Score

For scores 15-18:

  1. You are doing well at managing your work-life balance.
  2. Keep up the good work.
  3. Do not be complacent and keep monitoring your stress levels.

For scores 19-32:

  1. Maintain your current work-life balance strategies
  2. Regularly reassess your stress levels
  3. Stay proactive in managing your workload

For scores 33-49:

  1. Identify specific stressors in your work environment
  2. Discuss concerns with your supervisor or HR department
  3. Implement stress-reduction techniques like meditation or exercise
  4. Consider adjusting your work responsibilities or schedule

For scores 50-75:

  1. Take immediate steps to reduce your workload
  2. Prioritize self-care activities
  3. Seek support from colleagues, friends, or family
  4. Consider short-term leave or a vacation to recharge
  5. Explore professional counseling or coaching options
  6. Consult with a healthcare professional or therapist
  7. Discuss options for extended leave or role changes with your employer
  8. Reevaluate your career goals and work environment
  9. Develop a comprehensive plan for recovery and prevention of future burnout

Please Note: This burnout self-assessment tool is a helpful method for assessing burnout in an informal way. Remember, while this test can be a helpful tool in an informal way, it’s not a diagnostic instrument. If you’re concerned about your mental health or experiencing severe symptoms, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional.

Also Read:

Four Ways to Manage Stress Effectively

How to Meditate: Tips for Beginners

JPMR Relaxation Technique: A Path to Calm and Peace

Techniques to Manage Anger for Emotional Control

Remember, preventing burnout is a continuous ongoing process. Keep a watch, and regularly check in with yourself. Take proactive steps to maintain your well-being, and if you still continue to struggle with burnout symptoms despite these measures, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help.

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